Wednesday, June 10, 2015

yep yep messier...

As I predicted last week this project was going to be messy messy messy...and it sure is...

Now I do have a little more to show for this mess...I've made 12 blocks using the pattern I found on Stina's blog Kwiltstina which you can find here.

I will mix up the colors when I sew them together. My plan is to have 9 different colorways. My younger son saw it and said it looked like a barcode...and he has a point... here it is in black and white.

Interesting... and for closer inspection I have included a bit of fabric showing the Sagrada Familia basicila by Gaudi in Barcelona...and some sewing paraphernalia, oh and some Wimpy Kid fabric in black and white.

And look...the Beatles are making an appearance too! Boy I wish I had more of that fabric. I think I got it at Walmart years ago.

Soooooo... I should have kept closer tabs on how many blocks I was making. I've done some figuring and I figure I need 7 more of the low volume blocks. Here's one on my cutting table before being trimmed to 12 1/2" square.

Do you see the 3rd strip down from the top? I made it by sewing together leftover squares from my Go 4 It quilt. It is kinda like peanut butter and crackers...pieces aren't running out at the same rate so I'm trying to find a new home for them. Anyway it certainly adds to the scrappiness of the low volume blocks.

And while I had plenty of low volume for this quilt I did end up making a trip to Fabric Shack and adding a few more to my stash. I got some cute novelty/low volumes...

I got colorful arrows, and the cutest little lobster, and hangers I'd like in my closet, and a pink bike with a Christmas tree in the basket and fun clothespins.  When I was getting these fabrics cut it was noted that even my choice in low volume picks are bright!  I can't help it... I just LOVE color!

Well I hope to sew some this week, but so far I've been dealing with other projects. I got 80 marigolds planted in my yard but I could use a few more... so off the the garden center again. Also I want to look for some more perennials as several of mine that I planted last year did not come hoo!  It is going to be hot hot hot here the next week or so. Since I'm NOT an early morning person, I do my gardening later in the day... after it is always race with the setting sun... it is my attempt at cardio...LOL!

And if Freshly Pieced does a WIP Wednesday link up today go see what else is new...

happy stitching-
carol fun


  1. What's a little mess when you're creating something that beautiful?? :D

  2. It looks to me like a big mess equals big fun! All those little pieces making an appearance are so great! Its like an I spy for grownups!

  3. Oh my! And I though my sewing room was bad!! Hahaha. Well, I think your's will actually be easier to clean up. Keep going with those blocks you are making good progress.

  4. Wow, what an eclectic collection of fabric!! I love that all of those fabrics are going into this one quilt--it would make a good eye spy quilt, too, it seems! Visiting from Freshly Pieced's WiP!

  5. Lovely fabric choices, I always make a mess with a large project.
    Your Beatle Fabric is so sweet, brings back my teen memories.

  6. I love your sewing :) I love your fabrics too! this will be a great quilt.

  7. It is a bit of a mess but the results will be lovely, your quilts always are!!!! I like to garden in the evening too. Even if it's not too hot, my garden is bathed in sun in the am. I like the cooler evenings much better.

  8. I've actually visited the Sagrada Familia when we took our Mediterranean cruise several years ago. It is an interesting piece of art!! Cool that you have fabric with it on there. I'm really liking that quilt......!!


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