Sunday, November 22, 2020

Memory, ain't what it use to be... on a Slow Sunday Stitching...

Hello all - I truly intended to post last Sunday but my cable company had other ideas... we had lots of high winds, I expected that we might lose power but instead the wifi went out... after several calls to their automated number they assured me it was an area outage and they were taking care of it... about 18 hours later (which now makes it Monday morning) they changed their story and told me the problem was just with my wifi...HUH?? A customer service rep instructed me to go down to the basement where the cable comes into the house and unplug and re-plug in the connections... another HUH??   The box we are talking about is mounted right up to the top of the ceiling ... it is tall... I am short... and there was a bunch of stuff up against the wall... Well, I managed to use a little step stool and on tippy toes unplugged and replugged the cables... still no wifi... service rep says they'll send out a repair guy between noon and 4pm... okay... I'm not getting a lot done without my laptop... I can do things on my phone but the pictures and the text is itty-bitty...

So I sat a stewed and tried to occupy myself with other stuff and the hours ticked by... at 3:20pm  for reasons I will never know the wifi came back on  all by itself... another HUH??? Decided I would wait for the repair guy to call and when he did about 10 minutes later, I informed him that him that the wifi was back on... he insisted on coming anyway and gave me a new cable box ... smaller ... with a smaller display of the time... not thrilled... and he informed me that if a customer service rep ever instructs me to touch the box on the wall in the basement I am to inform them that I was sternly warned to NEVER touch it... he said I could have gotten a shock if I plugged things back in the wrong way and it is strictly a repair man's job... I will obey...

So that was how the week started, along with a mammogram on Monday and babysitting on Tuesday and I forget what happened on Wednesday and coffee with a friend on Thursday and errands on Friday and some sewing on Saturday... 

Well, I had hoped to report that I had gotten the bindings on the two Christmas quilts that are languishing in my sewing studio... but it didn't happen... every time I went downstairs I got sidetracked by some other shiny thing... and while I could have finished something instead I started something else, actually 2 something elses.... I saw a cute pattern on IG and downloaded it...Lucky Log Cabins by Quilty Love... you can see it here... I thought it would look good in Christmas fabrics and I remember  I had some jelly roll strips which would be perfect for a this pattern ...well there weren't nearly as many strips in the bin as I remembered (like I said memory ain't what it use to be)  but there were 2 other projects in the same bin... and I have no recollection of either one... memory issue again... There were what appears to be all the pieces for a Jingle Jangle quilt by Seamed to Be ... you can see the pattern here... I have them cut, stacked and labeled... no recollection of doing that. .. and then there were the pieces for a quilt by Thimbleblossoms called Piece of Cake 3... again check it out here... the fabric collection was Very Merry by Sandy Gervais... and while I didn't remember starting this quilt I did remember that the fabric had been gifted to me by my friend Stephanie ... so perhaps there is still a little memory ... LOL... 

Anyway I got this totally sewn together!!  I had about 5 blocks done and the other 20 went together fast... I love this collection because it is non-traditional colors... turquoise and a brick red and an olive green and a minty green and that peach... OMG.. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that peach... and it is peach ...not pink... there is always so little fabric that is peach... about 30 years ago when I lived in Modesto peach was my friend Marcella's favorite color... it is so pretty...oh, where was I??  (Memory wander off ...) Oh yeah, the quilt...

And some close ups...

I love that this pattern only has a top and bottom border... so easy... and speaking of easy the only time I pinned was when I was sewing the rows to each other... Oh, I went out to Joanns Friday night to find a back for this quilt... I know, I know, I have hundreds and hundreds of yards of fabric but nothing I liked that was big enough... but  I went to the small location nearest my house... and I was tired ... and hungry (not sure what that has to do with my decision process but I'm throwing it in there)... and this is what I bought...

GIANT RED DOTS... somehow they seemed Christmas-y in the store... but when I got it home and shared it with my friend Darlene she pointed out that it would make nice Christmas-y clown pants... ROLFMAO... yep, it probably would ... but instead of making clown pants,  I sent it off to Quilting by David... it is nice fabric... it just kinda vibrates when you look at it for more than a couple of seconds... something else to remember...don't pick fabric when you are tired... I'll try to remember that, really I will. 

So, I'm definitely making this pattern again... I'm thinking of doing it in some of my vintage Debbie Mumm fabrics... the pattern starts with a layer cake and you get nice chunks of fabric that don't chop up the pattern a lot... would be good for some of those cute novelty Debbie Mumms and I'd like to play with them... there are some good memories packed away in those bins... 

And while I remembered that I wanted to play with the Lucky Log Cabin pattern I opened another bin of Christmas fabrics and found leftovers from a quilt I made back in 2018.... which you can see here... I loved those Heather Ross fabrics... the collection was called Sugarplum and I was smitten because it had a yellow print with peppermints... and you know how I LOVE yellow, which is not traditionally thought of as a Christmas color... but I do... in fact I've made  2 Christmas quilts that feature yellow and now I've started a third one...

Now there wasn't enough of the Heather Ross yellow peppermint fabric to do all the sashing so I found some yellow polka dots in my stash... and there weren't enough Heather Ross prints to do all the blocks but there was enough of the polka dots to include one square in each block and then there was that plaid border print... there wasn't enough of it either to do the full border but my cutting smaller sections and inserting a spacer it is gonna work!! 

Here's some close ups of the blocks...

See polka dot sashing and peppermint cornerstones...

And some Riley Blake Prints from Jill Howarth...

And that border print with a spacer...

In rummaging through my stash I found fabric that I remember getting at a quilt shop in Louisville... or was it Lexington... it was definitely in Kentucky... that's the best my memory can do... it was years ago and I was happy to include it in this quilt.. it was an odd color for Christmas ... a bit of a tomato-y coral-y red.. but it works great for this quilt... there is a light pink... almost a flesh... and aqua... and of course yellow... lots and lots of yellow... I'm calling this one my  3 P quilt... Plaid, Polka Dots and Peppermints .. I still have to cut the border pieces for the bottom and then sew it all together... but I won't have to deal with a separate border as I can sew it in rows... I think I'll like that... It has been quite enjoyable to sew the last couple of days... haven't been this into my fabrics for a while... I like it...

And I have my Thanksgiving decorating done... a couple of new items, lots of old stuff but in new places and some nice memories of where things came from...

The Grungy Gourds quilt ...

The tier tray...

The little yellow cabinet ...

The shelves...

Close ups of the only new pieces I got finished... Turkey one... a freebie I don't know where it came from...

Turkey 2  ... a snippet from a larger Prairie Schooler chart...

I so enjoy my Fall and Thanksgiving decorations... with the sequence of Fall/Halloween/Thanksgiving it doesn't seem like we have enough time to fully enjoy each one... rushing onto the next... I know I lot of people have leaped ahead to Christmas but I'm content to pause here for a bit ... 

And speaking of the holidays, I know that many people are not having the Thanksgiving Day we would like. I've spoken with several friends and we are all weary and not too thrilled with the arrangements other family members are putting in place... I know that their children and mine are concerned about our health and safety but not a one seems to have asked if we are okay taking a risk... some of us are... not a huge risk, we're good with wearing masks and keeping our distance, but we'd like to see as much of our family as we could... spending the day in your house, by yourself is just like all the days in the last 8 months, nothing special about that. My family is doing a modified celebration... each side of the family for my son and daughter-in-law is meeting separately with them... Chris' side of the family on Thursday, Jenny's side of the family on Friday... I will miss seeing her parents and her grandmother... such nice people. 

And speaking of weary ... and anxious... every friend I've spoken to has mentioned an episode of crying over seemingly nothing... except it isn't nothing, is it?  I know I've had my crying bouts... I'm tired, not so much physically, I'm trying to eat right, exercise and get plenty of sleep, but an emotional tiredness that has settled into my bones.  Some days are better than others, but not having much to look forward to is wearing me down... I'd love to plan a trip to Disney World with Nick, but don't want to walk around all day wearing a mask... I'd love to go to a quilt show, but I don't know of any that are scheduled right now, I'd like to go see a stage show but nothing is booked till August 2021... I'm doing my best to keep myself busy. I'm happy my sewing mojo has returned... my new sewing room furniture makes the whole room seem brighter and more inviting... I've been working on some Christmas cross stitch and have some crafty projects I'd like to get to... but some days while I have the time, I don't have the motivation.  I'm trying to spend less time on line, I can lose hours reading articles or scrolling through Instagram... I find inspiration but don't get anything done... and I don't think I'm alone ... I worry that we've made some changes in our outlook and behavior that will be hard to shake... I don't want to feel apprehensive being around other people... and I want to see people's faces... I want to see their smiles... 

So I continue to pray and whine and complain to my friends... oh and I have fired off some emails to certain politicians, although I doubt they actually read them. I have gotten a reply or two, which I know some low level staffer sent, as the questions I asked were never answered, and in every case I was directed to  certain websites... the same websites  that I mentioned in my email having looked at for the answer to my question. I've got a thing for statistics and have been stymied in finding certain data for the current year... eons ago I worked as an economist and scoured government publications for data... it should be easier in this day and age but it isn't... I've found out that a lot of what I'd like to know isn't being aggregated in one spot... and compiling the figures takes quite a bit of time... which accounts for some of those hours I've lost ... and I've ended up with more questions than what I started with... 

Okay - I'll drop that right now... going to link up with Kathy's Quilts... doing brunch with Chris & Jenny & Elliott... maybe some more sewing today... started another Christmas quilt project... a couple of bins of fabric have exploded all over my cutting table... need to cut some more pieces and tidy up a bit...

Hope that the week ahead is not too trying for you... I know that it is going to be a long day on Thursday for a lot of people... I'll be saying extra prayers for you...

happy stitching-

carol fun 

PS ... and speaking of memory... I realized that 55 years ago today JFK was assassinated... and I remember exactly where I was and how I heard about it... I'll bet you do to...

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Changing things around....

 Hello - I know I said that I'd be back last Monday... not sure why I thought I could get all the things finished that I had planned in 24 hours... in fact, it took all week to do what I wanted to do and everything still isn't done... but some things are ... and over all it was a very productive week...

I got off track starting last Monday... all the flower beds needed to be cleaned out as we had had a couple of frosts and one night below 32... everything was bedraggled and well... dead... so I started with the dahlia bed. Had to cut back all the stems and leaves and dig up the tubers... lots and lots of tubers... I thought at the beginning of the summer that I would label them when I dug them up... and I made a detailed chart of what was planted where... but in the end I just threw them all in a box... I really like the look where everything is mixed up and I like the surprise of not knowing what the plant will look like till it blooms... and that's all the "unknown" I want in my life these days... 

And after the dahlia bed there was the rest of the yard... OMG... you plant things here and there, this day and another day, you put seeds in this week and then another week and then another week ...little by little... but then it dies ALL AT THE SAME TIME... and you have to cut it back or dig it up and get rid of it... I don't have any place to dispose of the debris and detritus in my yard so I have to put it in those large paper yard waste bags... I filled, absolutely STUFFED FULL  20 of those bags... my garbage guy is gonna hate me tomorrow when I drag the out to the curb... 

Now the beds are cleared out and I can move on to planting bulbs... daffodils, alliums and hyacinths... bulbs the deer won't eat... not certain but my rough guess is there are about 300 daffodils and 200 alliums and a handful of hyacinths that need to be planted... my younger son is going to help dig holes and we don't have to dig a hole for every bulb... lots can be planted in a bunch, but it is gonna take some time... I'm telling myself not to over do it... I did over do it several times this week and my left knee has been screaming at me... damn getting old is not fun!!

As for crafty stuff I have a couple of quilt projects to share... first off, this is the Giant Disappearing Nine Patch I made for my younger son... about 85" square...

all homespuns that were in my stash... fabrics that I used in a quilt I sent off to college with his older brother over 15 years ago... really??? Where does the time go??  Anyway I got the idea from an Instagram post by @michelle.made.this... you can see the post here... now I've made a Disappearing Nine Patch quilt before... you sew 9 squares together and then you cut it horizontally and vertically down the middle... easy peasy... so the first block I sewed for this GIANT version I started that way... but it became very clear that this wasn't the way to assemble this quilt... when you do the GIANT version you are starting with 10" squares... when you sew 9 10" squares together you get a block that is bigger than your cutting mat... yikes... so the light bulb went on and I started with a different strategy... I first chose those squares that I didn't want to chop up... then I cut the remaining 10" squares in half so I'd have 5" x 10" pieces and for the corners I cut 5" squares... much better ... and by cutting everything ahead of time I was able to re-arrange the fabrics till I got the look I like... my only constant in this quilt was that I made all those 5" squares from assorted gold fabrics (I didn't have enough of any one gold fabric) gives it a little definition..Quilting by David with the Diagonal Plaid panto... he loves it and I think it is quite a handsome quilt...

This version came together is like 3 days... on a Thursday night at dinner we talked about this quilt, Nick pulled out the bins with the homespuns when we got home from dinner and chose the ones he liked, on Friday I cut out the fabrics and got all 36 blocks sewn together is a couple of hours... took Saturday off for other stuff... and then sewed the 36 blocks together on Sunday... had to wait till the wide back came on Monday to get it off to Quilting by David. 

Here is a glamour shot on my neighbor's patio...

And here it is on his bed...

However, ever since I saw this pattern I've wanted to do a version for me... actually I have at least 2  maybe 3 versions I want to do for ME... but this is my first foray... my well loved "vintage" Momo fabrics... 

I started with the Wonderland collection... so many prints there I did not want to cut up ... and added in Avant Garden, Flying Colors, Lucky Day ... I've got birds, cats, hedgehogs, scissors, butterflies and some cool scenes... I love these fabrics for their colors and their 70's vibe... my youth...LOL... every 10" block in this quilt is a different print... I did use the same blue polka dot for the 5" squares and I plan to bind it with that print... I LOVE IT!!! Sent it off to be quilted yesterday... now I want to do a version with my American Jane fabrics and perhaps a version with my Kaffe Fassett fabrics... what I LOVE about this pattern is that it is so easy and quick... the blocks only have one point of intersection and no points of intersection to match up when you sew one block to another... 

Some close-ups...

This one went out in the mail yesterday...

And since I've been spending more time in my sewing room I've been thinking of ways I want to update it... when I moved in 7 years ago I had a couple of pieces of black IKEA furniture so I went with that color scheme, but I've always wanted it to be white... and nothing was beat up or worn out but I just didn't like it ... and I decided that life is too short not to have this space as pleasing to me as possible... so I'm replacing the black furniture with white furniture and I'm adding pieces to the mix...

Here's my sewing machine area... now bookcase cubby in the front is Closetmaid... front view...and yes that is a Santa in the back ground...I'm not rushing the season I'm just too lazy to put him in the storage room... he is good company...LOL

 there are two IKEA tables pushed together and the update here are the Alex drawer units...

and this is the ironing board space... another Closetmaid cubby...notice those cute little stools?  Those are from IKEA ... $6 each... called Marius.. you can see them here... the are great as a little table and the stack... and I think they look a lot like a button...

And I am going to replace the 5 black Billy bookcases with 6 white Billy bookcases... there is just enough space to squeeze another one it... however I need to have my handyman Dan do those ... there is baseboard that will need to be cut out and they have to be L-bracketed to the wall... not a project Nick and I can handle... you can see the how the room looked and  wall of bookcases here in this IG post... 

But Nick and I tackled this project... a 4 x 4 Kallax unit from IKEA... I got the idea for this from @carolinacajuncreates ... I'm moving the TV which I rarely watch (think I'll replace it with a smaller TV that is Roku... thinking about ditching cable altogether)... that freed up this whole wall...

I LOVE this... I got lucky when I went to purchase this unit... IKEA has been out of stock of so much merchandise... you have to stalk the website and then race to the store and hope that they still have the inventory when you get there... for this unit I checked for days and days and one morning the website said they had 5 of them... I live about 12 minutes away...when I arrived there was only ONE unit left... this one... and yesterday after Nick assembled it I checked on how many bins or baskets they might have... it said there were 32 of these so we didn't rush, but we went over ... I usually stay away from IKEA on weekends and the parking lot was packed when we got there... luckily I've spent soooo much time in IKEA I know EXACTLY where this items was... instead of walking through the entire 2 floors we came in the exit and then walked against the flow of traffic to the spot on the bottom floor with this department... and there wasn't 32 baskets there were EXACTLY EIGHT... OMG... I should buy a lottery ticket!!!

Now you may be thinking why does this look like a display from Homegoods...well... it is my organization of items I like to use in my displays... risers, lanterns, candlesticks, pitchers, galvanized metal, greenery, cake stands, vases...all of these items (and more) were in big plastic bins in my storage room... I'd have to root through them every time I went looking for something and you can tell by the number of little cake stands that sometimes it was easier to just go pick up a new one rather than search for what I had... by having this display I can see what I have and it will change as I use things in my seasonal displays... some things are just pretties I've picked up here and there because they were a bargain and I loved them... I LOVE MY STUFF... and yes I have LOTS of STUFF... but my philosophy is that if it is organized you can have EVEN MORE STUFF!!!

As you know yellows and golds are my favorite colors... so I shouldn't be surprised that I have lots of yellow/gold glass ware...

and it is nice to keep my chickens out along with some of the Rae Dunn pieces I've been collecting...

and I've finally found a place to display that little turquoise chair... 

I'm putting fabric in the baskets and maybe some other decorating pieces... I think when I use the chickens in my kitchen in the Spring and Summer I'll fill in that space with the numerous watering cans I have that I couldn't squeeze in at the moment... 

I had so much fun arranging this piece... do you remember Mary Tyler Moore's BFF Rhoda?  Rhoda was a window dresser... I've always wanted to be a window dresser...LOL... that's probably why I love putting together the seasonal displays... and speaking of displays I'm working on my Thanksgiving displays... I know in light of what has gone on this year lots of people are skipping ahead to putting out Christmas but I LOVE Fall and want to hold onto those decorations a little while longer... and I have some cute turkey stuff  so check back next week... 

Today is gorgeous... almost 80 degrees ... in Ohio... in November... thank you Lord for this glorious weather... we haven't had any rain but there isn't anything I need to water... I was going to work on planting some bulbs today but the day has gotten away from me... Chris & Jenny & Elliott came over for brunch ... we got carryout... and then we went to the park for a while... they have a great fire truck climber that Elliott loves and even better, there is construction going on by the park and they left a small bulldozer and back hoe there... we got to get up close and personal with them ... you know how children have something they just love ... trains, dinosaurs, princess stuff... well Elliott's love is construction equipment, particularly back hoe kind of diggers.... we were able to fondle the tires and hug the bucket... he was quite a happy boy...

So I think I'll save the bulbs for tomorrow... Nick and I will want an early dinner since we didn't do a lunch... and I think I'll sit on the porch in the sun and cross stitch a bit... it is a good day...

I'll link up with Kathy's Quilts... always plenty to see there... hope you are having a good day and an even better week ahead... still rumors about lockdowns coming back here... Krogers is again limiting the number of packages of toilet paper and paper towels and some soap items... I'm in great shape in those areas and have picked up a nice selection of hand sanitizer too... I hope it doesn't come to that... I know how hard this is hitting small businesses ... don't know how much more they can stand... trying to do my part to support local places ... 

take good care of yourself...

happy stitching-

carol fun 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

So where have I been ....

Some of you have been wondering where I've been... I've gotten a couple of emails and even a lovely card from Di (QUILTINGISBLISSFUL)checking up on me... thanks for your concern... as for where I've been... I HAVE BEEN NO WHERE... unless you call being in a funk somewhere... that place, I have been to... I'm still stitching and sewing and knitting and gardening but there is a underlying feeling of frustration and anger that I can not shake... I have treated myself to some retail therapy lately... THANK YOU Hobby Lobby... your fully stocked shelves of holiday goodies has brighten a day or too... and the Dollar Spot at Target has teased me with a couple of cute Christmas trinkets.. hope there is more to come... and some online shopping... got several new charts and a quilt kit...I'm really really really trying to treat my condition... and isn't that a great excuse for spending money??? Almost as good as my personal mantra that "I'm helping the economy"...

Well you didn't come by just to hear me whine so I'll show some pretty pictures... I know Halloween was yesterday but here is a look at my displays...

The shelf unit...

A new arrangement of cross stitched pieces I did previously... that big house plate on the 2nd shelf was a marked down purchase after Halloween last year... I grouped all the pumpkin headed gals together... started stitching a new one but didn't get it done... next year... oh and I did this little Prairie Schooler piece...

I changed the date to 2020 because I can't think of a year I'd like more to be dead and gone...

The quilts... Halloween Swoon on the back of the couch...

The spider quilt... I glued googly eyes on...

The tier tray...

New items added this year are the bug eyed Frank and Bat... they are from Heart in Hand Halloween Parade...

 and that Haunted House Rae Dunn piece... a birthday gift from my super shopper friend Stephanie...

If you want to see  more pictures check out my Instagram here and here and here...

I feel like I just got all this stuff out and later today or tomorrow I'll be putting it back into the plastic bins and getting out my Thanksgiving stuff because before the month is over I'll be getting out the Christmas stuff... how does time go so slow and so  fast all at the same time???

And speaking of Thanksgiving I did a little turkey stitching... 

This guy I started last year and got finished... he's Prairie Schooler...

And this guy is a freebie but I don't remember from where and my print out has no identifying marks...

And last night I got out this Pineberry Lane chart called Gather... it is from the Quaint Country Ladies Club at Dyeing to Stitch... 

Except I'm not using the linen they sent... this is something I painted a while ago... 

and I'm not using all the flosses it called for ... I've already changed the scissors and the basket and there will be more changes to come... some are because it is suppose to be stitched on 36 ct and I assume one ply over two threads... but I'm doing 32 ct and 2 ply over two threads so I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have enough of several of the flosses they sent... so I'll sub in my choices...oh the blob on the left is going to be the lady... 

And I never use to think of myself as a stitcher who was a serial starter but it appears that I am... this week alone I've worked on 4 different charts... this one Heart & Hand Sampler from With Thy Needle & Thread has been one I've wanted to stitch for a long long time...  I dyed some 32 ct linen with Rit Teal dye ... it is deeper in color than this picture is showing...

And a trip to Joanns had me lusting for this Christmas wreath...I thought about making it but if I can get it for 50% off...which I think will happen this week... the wreath would be $30... and I know I'd end up with more than $30 in the materials alone... so I NEED to buy this...anyway...

this got me to thinking about a pink and aqua Christmas display out on the sunroom porch... I have a piece or two that I've stitched in those colors and I remembered I had started the Lizzie Kate Christmas ABCs...

so I dug it out and got another line done... there are 8 lines so I still have 5 to go... excuse the wrinkles...

This is 36 ct and I'm using 2 ply over 2 threads and it is very nice coverage... this piece of linen is not a real tight weave so I'm not having any problems with the thicker thread... and I have a recollection of another sampler done on a pink and turquoise linen in my stash... which leads me to another idea... right now my charts are sorted alphabetically by designer's name... I think I might go through all my charts ...and that is quite a few... about 3  boxes 13" square... no wait 4 boxes (I should hang my head in shame but I won't...LOL)... and pull out the seasonal charts... Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Fall, Snowmen, Chickens...yes Chickens are seasonal and yet year round at my house... anyway I think this might be a good idea for when I want to do something seasonal but can't recall exactly what I have... and it should make for an enjoyable afternoon perusing my stash... maybe I can do that this week... 

And as for the week I'm not seeing much on my calendar... I haven't been babysitting for a couple of weeks as my daughter-in-law's sister has been staying with them and she's been watching Elliott...however I have seen him every week which is always fun... I went to watch him "Trick or Treat"... he was dressed as a tree ...think green sweater, brown corduroy pants, green hat with some faux ivy garland wrapped around him and some faux leaves on the hat... it was adorable but he had no idea why we tied him up in fake leaves... he liked grabbing the candy and watching the other kids...too bad they won't let him have any candy yet... luckily his Grandma's give him ice cream and cookies when they babysit... it is our job to spoil him, right???

Those who've read this blog over the years know that this is the day for my semi-annual rant about Daylight Saving Time... and you know I DETEST it!!   While this change does give you an "extra" hour of sleep (the damn hour they took away in the Spring)  it does nothing for my body clock... I wonder if anyone has done a study and looked at whether people who live in areas where they don't change the clocks twice a year, live longer??  This has to take a toll on everyone's body... one that I don't think is necessary at all.  I know I've signed petitions to have it halted but nothing ever happens... which leads me to wonder (and yes my mind wonders and wanders a lot) who is making money off of the time change?  Years ago I assumed it was the makers of batteries and smoke detectors but now days the come with batteries that last for years ... so who benefits?  If you know please let me know... it won't make me happier about the time change but I'll have one less thing to wonder about...LOL

I'll link up with Kathy's Quilts today... need to see what everyone else has been up to ...and check back here tomorrow... I have some quilt stuff to show... I made a new quilt for my younger son and I got 2 Christmas quilts back from Quilting by David and there is a quilt top on my design wall... and I'll let you in on my plans to change the furniture in my sewing studio... I've been to IKEA waaay too many times in  since they re-opened..

Hope things are going well in your little world... I don't know how people in places like  Michigan and Pennsylvania and California are putting up with the lockdown restrictions... in Ohio we've gotten back retail stores and dining inside but not attending the theater (I miss going to see stage plays) or concerts or sporting events ... and I'm concerned that we may see a lockdown again... which doesn't help my funk... saying my prayers every day for a return to the life we had back in before this all started... 

happy stitching-

carol fun