And that leads me to this pictures of my design wall that I have to show today. I know this looks nothing like my design wall last week and no I haven't finished that quilt. These blocks got unearthed (it is like an archeology dig in my sewing room) when I was trying to straighten up (with very limited success). These are 16 patch blocks I started back in the summer when I saw Crazy Mom Quilts 36 patch QAL. However, true to my scatterbrained tendency I didn't keep up with the QAL but I do have these to show for my abbreviated commitment.
Every blocks is a tone on tone yellow paired with a floral. Some are BIG scale....
others are smaller scale....
and ALL of this fabric is coming out of my stash so this is essentially a FREE quilt - LOL! (We do not need to discuss the fallacy of this line of reasoning.) Anyhow, now that I've put them up on my design wall on point I really really like this layout. And the 12 inch block now turns into a 17 inch block -- bigger is better, right?? Ok, not always but it works here. So I want to make this a BIG quilt - no surprise there - and it will get big quicker this way. I haven't decided yet if I will fill in the outside triangle spaces with more tone on tone yellows or just make more blocks and whack them off. Need to ponder that. At the moment I'm thinking the tone on tone yellows are the way to go since it seems to vibrate when you look at it (Stephie look away- I don't want to aggravate your vertigo).
Happy Halloween everyone- I'm off to answer the doorbell!
carol fun