Sunday, April 23, 2023

A Slow Sunday where the old dog doesn't want to learn new tricks...

 Hello - well time is flying again... Hope you had a nice Easter holiday... our was low key as a certain little fellow celebrated his 4th birthday a few days after Easter Sunday and a party ensued... Four years old... where does the time go??  His first birthday actually fell on Easter Sunday ... and his daddy looked it up... and that won't occur again until Elliott is 40.  I doubt I'll be around for that party... 

Which got me thinking about my birthday this year. I will hit one of those milestone decades in the Fall...    70 years on this earth... mentally I don't feel that old... physically I'm certainly aware of it... body parts are wearing out... knees, thumb, hip, eyes, teeth... a  calendar liberally dotted with appointments to see this or that medical professional.  And as far as I know, nothing fatal in afflicting me... just annoying stuff.  With every ache and pain some young doctor ( I have shoes in my closet older than them) usually prescribes taking something over the counter... and yet I resist... I don't want things to hurt, but I also don't want to take something for it... a dilemma of my own making. 

And last week a crafty situation got me feeling old... I do crafty stuff to escape reality, but it intruded. Soooooo... I've been wanting to start the  Remember Me Sampler by Teresa Kogut... if you don't remember here's what it looks like.

Well the model was done on 40 ct... and I've stitched on 40 ct before but it hasn't been my favorite. I thought I'd try again as I determined that the problem I was having was the linen I had ( I'm pretty sure it was a Zweigert) was soft... I stitch in hand and I don't like soft linen. I prefer something with some body, which is basically just sizing, and I know lots of others think of this as crunchy linen... and it is ... but if you are holding it in your hands to stitch it gets softer as time goes on.   OK where was I going with this?   So I ordered some 40 ct linen that is Wichelt... they make my favorite 32 ct... it is stiff as a board... I LIKE IT VERY MUCH.   

Now I wanted to paint the linen for this sampler.  I used Rit dyes... a very diluted Lemon Yellow and Tangerine... the tangerine is a lovely peachy color when watered down.  So I painted the 40 ct and I was very pleased with the results.  I gathered up my flosses ... all DMC with a few modifications of my own and took myself out on the sunroom porch to enjoy the Spring-y weather and good lighting. I worked on  the sampler for hours... one ply over 2 threads... and I HATED it... I didn't like the coverage ... I didn't like how my stitches were looking... and I didn't like how I was having to poke and stab versus the sewing motion I do.  It was not an enjoyable afternoon.... Why?  All the cool kids on Flosstube rave about 40 ct... and their stitching looks lovely ... and they obviously enjoy it... but I concluded this is NOT for me.

This old dog doesn't want to learn new tricks.  This old dog loves 32 ct... I LOVE the coverage... yes my stitches aren't all perfect but I've been stitching this way for over 35 years and I have stitched tons of pieces ... and they are pretty!! IMHO...LOL... I LOVE the sewing method ... and I LOVE DMC... don't need silks to make me happy.

So I put the 40 ct aside  and got out a piece of 32 ct count and again painted it a soft lemon yellow and peach ... and I LOVE THIS!!  I have hardly put this sampler down for the last two weeks...

and yes it is going to be a BIG sampler...about 14.5" x 18.5"...  I adore the floral border... you can stitch the outline of most of the flowers and then go back and fill in... no additional counting needed... perfect for watching TV or Flosstube... it is relaxing and satisfying and enjoyable... and I'm definitely in the mindset of making every day I have left on this earth as happy as I possibly can!!

And speaking of Flosstube ... I like watching what others are stitching and I like seeing older pieces too. Viewing different channels often has me running to search for a chart I've never seen before... but I also had a startling surprise... I learned that I've been starting my stitch in the wrong place... for over 35 years... I recently watched a video from a seasoned teacher who was explaining that the first leg of your stitch should be over the vertical threads...huh... I've always started on the horizontal threads... and while I was stitching on the 40 ct I tried to learn a new trick and changed to starting on the vertical thread... which had me all muddled up when I was trying to count stitches... this old dog hones in on the horizontal threads to count... and so along with poking and stabbing my stitches were ending up one thread off... I've returned to my normal  decades old behavior... not gonna change this late in the game.

Let's move on to more pleasant stuff... as I said I've been pretty monogamous to the Remember Me Sampler for the last couple of weeks.... but I did add another house to the Sunnyside Sampler from The Drawn Thread...

and I did this small... a snippet from the border of the  chart Saviour's Praise by Shakespeare's Peddler...

I need to FFO it into a little pillow and add it to my Spring bird display.

And segwaying into decor... I banished the bunnies and broke out the birdies... I LOVE birds... 

Here's the small shelf display... lots of cool blues and turquoises...

On top there is the Spring selection from the book Seasons of the Heart from With Thy Needle & Thread... I want to get the Summer piece done on this one this year... and the Spring Alphabet  Sampler from Lizzie Kate.  I've done all 4 seasons from this series... stitched them years ago and still LOVE them...

In the middle a BIG square turquoise plate... LOVE it ... got it for free as another friend was going to take it to Goodwill... and I just got these birds this year. at Hobby Lobby ... and off the subject at hand, but have you been to HL lately?  They've definitely upped their game with the decor items. Remember never pay full price... I find that the sales alternate each week between Wall Decor and Table Decor so I snag things during the right sales week... The little lady with the big posey is part of a chart from Pineberry Lane ... you can see it here.  the little Hope pillow is by Hello From Liz Matthews... you can find it here ... its a freebie.

And on the bottom Funky Bird from Barbara Ana designs...

I feel like I have a lot of bird things but this time around my displays seem less busy than the bunnies... I'm by no means a minimalist ... and yet I'm liking the calmer feel of my displays right now.

On the wall I have my favorite Stack N Whack quilt...

the fabric is giant petunias from Phillip Jacobs... all the blocks came from that border fabric. I had planned on having a new wall quilt for Spring, but I'm just not feeling quilting as much as I'm into cross stitch right now. 

Here's the tier tray...

The top piece is a Lizzie Kate... the bird was something I got off of Pinterest years ago and the little pillow on the bottom was something I copied from a photograph I saw online... it was from Blackbird Designs... I love a petite sampler.

I'm still working on the large shelf display and the sunroom porch. I have 2 small projects I want to finish before I show them, so stay tuned. 

Well the weather here is definitely Spring -y.... 80 degrees one day followed by a touch of frost the next day... which coincidentally is the current forecast. I'm itching to work in the yard.  Flats of annuals are sneaking into garden centers... I did succumb to a flat of marigolds and a flat of  dark purple petunias... I put them in my window boxes because I hate empty window boxes... so far the frost hasn't bothered them. It helps the boxes are a minimum of 5 feet off the ground and right up on the side of the house. I think that gives them some protection. If the frost does get to them I think the marigolds will be fine, its the petunias that could be vulnerable... but they aren't the expensive Wave petunias so if they don't make it I'll replant them. I knew prices would be more than last year and they are. The flats I got were from the least expensive garden center in my part of town. I paid $18 for a flat... each flat had 8 cells with 4 plants in each... so 32 plants total... and that seems like less than last year. I thought the marigolds I got last year had 6 plants per cell and I remember paying $14 or $15 for a flat.  I also priced ferns... anywhere from $14 to $20 this season. Last year I paid $10... so far no bargains.  I did see those fancy petunias I like at Meijers. They come in little 4 inch pots... they were priced at $5 each... yikes... I know they were no more than $4 last year.   I keep hearing that inflation is going down... and it is but that doesn't mean prices are going down...they aren't and they won't... that's basic economics... I understand it but I don't like it.

I'll hop over and link up with Kathy's Quilts... planning on a quiet day ... perhaps motivate myself to work on Nick's quilt... definitely get some cross stitching in.... The weather next week doesn't look bad but doesn't look warm enough to do any planting. The daffodils are gone but the alliums are just starting to open... I love those purple lollipop flowers.  I have seen some signs of life from  the cannas and dahlias I left in the ground... that makes me happy. Haven't seen anything coming up in my big  raised bed. I should go out and dig up some tubers and see if there are any sprouts. I hope so, but I'm wary of what I might find. I do have over 100 tubers in the garage. Last year I planted 175 in that raised bed, so if I lost some I should be okay and I hope I didn't lose all of them... fingers crossed. 

Hope you are getting some Spring time weather and some crafty time too!
happy stitching-
carol fun 


  1. Your new sampler looks so beautiful, I don't blame your for wanting to work on it all the time. I agree, 40 ct is just not compatible with my sewing - it's just too tedious for me.

  2. Lovely displays, as usual, you always display your pretty things so well.

  3. I love your latests sampler. I am glad you found fabric that you can happily work on. I do not like 40 count at all. I am always amazed at videos that tell us the "right" way to stitch. If it has been working for you for years then that is the "right" way for you to stitch. Artistic license. My mother has a collection of ceramic birds. She always loved them. I really like your display. I wish we were having warmer Spring weather. It is not even supposed to get to 60 here today. Your flat prices are much less expensive than I can purchase here on Long Island, NY. Enjoy your stitching.

  4. I've tried to cross stitch and just can't stick with it. I started one before my daughter was born for my Mom and never finished it. My daughter is 36 now. LOL Yours are very pretty. OMG though I love your Stack n Whack. The colors are awesome. And I love your display shelf with the stitching and the birds. You do what makes you happy and let the others use their 40ct. LOL Have a great week.

  5. I have that same Teresa Kogut chart as a WIP. It’s a beautiful design.
    I was interested in what you said about stitching on 40 ct as I’m right with you there.
    I started Heartstring Samplery Consider the Lily on 40 ct and, like you, hated it. I have some 32 ct evenweave on order and will enjoy stitching on it much better.
    I stitch in hand too and will use only one strand.
    I only just discovered your blog and have subscribed.
    Happy stitching,


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