Sunday, July 30, 2023

Futzing about, fiddling around, and figuring things out on a Slow Sunday...

 Hello ... anybody still here?  It has been several weeks since I posted and as I sit down to write this I'm not sure what I have to share is blogworthy, but it's what I got. I've been futzing about and fiddling around with lots of different things, finding it hard to figure out just what it is I want to do. I certainly have a wide variety of choices... but after a brief period of infatuation the thrill fades ... and from talking with some other friends they've been experiencing this same situation. Is it the summertime blues brought on by the heat?  Maybe...high temperatures are everywhere and here in SW Ohio we also got a dose of high humidity to go along with the 90 degree day... the air you can wear... the only consolation is the rain has helped reduce my water bill as I haven't had to go out and hydrate the gardens... thanks for that Mother Nature... now can you do something about the Japanese beetles?  yeah... I didn't think so.  

And speaking of my gardens, everything is quite lush right now... I'm to that period of summer where it appears that the flowers are overtaking the house... and again I may have jumped the shark where plants are concerned... but as with any addiction more is more... I'm already thinking about next summer and bought some seeds for things I haven't planted before... and I'm trying to collect seeds from what I do have... and I got an email yesterday that soon some places will allow you to pre-order dahlia.... oh my goodness ... I can't resist dahlias... in the past I've been over the moon for the dinner plate varieties, but lately I'm smitten with the pompom ones... this is my new favorite.... LOVE the color and the petal formation...

and a gardening friend turned me on to collarette ones...  here's examples of those... I need some of those next year. 

If you want to get a feel for the scope of my gardens... my house is a corner lot so I have 2 front yards... here are two links to videos I made... I can't for the life of me get them to download to the blog so here they are on IG...

Side yard...

Front yard...

Even though these didn't get a lot of likes IG tells me they were viewed over a thousand times... that's boggles my mind!!

As for creative ventures... still doing a  lot of crossstitch, a little quilting and a bit of knitting... because every 90 degree day needs some handknit wool socks... right? 

I finished Sunnyside Sampler by The Drawn Thread...

I got 1889 Alphabet back from the framer...

And I've made some more progress on Remember Me by Teresa Kogut...

As for the knitting... I finished on pair of socks and started another pair with yarn from a company I haven't heard of before, Jubilee Rellana Flotte sock yarn... you can see the listing  here.   This is a great business for sock yarn. I've ordered from them many many times... always high quality yarn and super fast shipping!

Here's my skeins ... 

and the sock I've started...

On the quilting front, I got the binding completely on  2 quilts and one more just needs the binding sewn down on the front.  I tried to finish up the Scratch quilt, but it the thrill is gone... so it will be returned to it's plastic bin... and in it's place I worked on this Halloween 2 x 4 quilt... this is the freebie pattern tutorial from Film in the Fridge which you can see here... I've made this pattern before with every block a different yellow and a different background... and I think I may want a Christmas version of this too!  I was very happy to finish this last evening... 

now I cut most of the fabrics out over a year ago... each block is a different Halloween print.... 90 blocks in total. It is easy mindless sewing which I'm able to do while watching Elliott... he's got toys down here in my sewing studio and with the 90 degree temps outside the basement is the coolest spot in the house. 

Some of my favorite blocks... I'm using the same spiderweb fabric in each block...

As you can see it starts with light greens, then moves on to yellow-y oranges and orange, fade to purple and finish up with black. and ..I found a perfect back for this in my stash... some 108" wide yellow-y orange ... can't wait to get this to Delinda to have her quilt it.

Those are the things I've been futzing and fiddling with and then there is the BIG project I've been trying to figure out... sooooo I have a birthday coming up in about 6 of those BIG ones with a zero as the second digit... and I want to do something special... something BIG... and a friend of mine posted on IG what she did for her BIG birthday, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea. Okay... the BIG  birthday number is 70.... how in the h*ll did I get to be this old??? Anyway the birthday gift she gave to herself was the permission to start SEVEN new samplers ... one for each decade... We need to play with and enjoy all the lovely charts and threads and fabrics we have... we ain't getting any younger... and I'm not the only one who'd buying charts like I'm immortal... now her strategy was to start a new sampler and work on it for 4 days... 4 x 7 = 28 days... and there are 30 days in September so I have a little cushion.  So I went through my voluminous stash of patterns and decided on 7 samplers...  I think this is the final cut but it is still subject to change until September. I have some big projects and some smaller ones... I thought that would be a good idea... a bit of a palate cleanser as the month progresses... and all but one of these are from my favorite designers... I've determined what dimensions to cut each piece of linen... I'll be doing all of them on 32 count and I'll be dyeing or painting all the linen... that's my project for August.  I already gathered all the flosses I need except for 2 overdyeds... some of these were partially kitted up and  aging like fine wine ... 

And you can see Marsha's birthday sampler starts here and here. 

So here are my choices in no particular order and I haven't decided what order I will actually stitch them in... maybe I just blindly choice a bag every 4 days and surprise myself!!

1. Red Bird Fraktur by With Thy Needle & Thread... I bought all the flosses for this when it first came out and they were in the bag with the chart. I might make the birds a little redder... the floss is a rust Valdani... and I think the linen will be a pale green with some yellow splotches.

2. Little Red Hen by Blackbird Designs (this chart is in the book Comfort Inn)... this is going to use only one floss... Calico Kitty by Classic Colorworks. I have a piece of a rosy beige linen labelled Cameo Pink but I may add some pinky splotches to it. 

3. Every Opening Flower by With Thy Needle & Thread... for this one I'm thinking a tan linen with splotches of turquoise to play up the turquoise bird and house.

4. Noel Sampler from With Thy Needle & Thread... a nod to Christmas... I'm thinking a mottled pale green to contrast with the red house. 

5. Strawberry Garden from Blackbird Design... oh this one has been in my stash FOREVER... my friend Marcella stitched it a year or two ago and it is gorgeous... I'm thinking pale green linen for this one too.

6. Manon's Garden by Mojo Stitches... a new to me designer... got this  here on Etsy... I like the bits and pieces and the four different borders... my choice  for this one is a pale turquoise linen.

7. Garden Samplers by Prairie Schooler... I could NOT leave out Prairie Schooler... perfect comfort stitching... I've done other PS sampler like this as I love the format... going to do pale green and yellow linen. 

I'm doing that one on the far left...

Now I have no illusions on what the timeframe will be to finish all of these... but it will be easy to pick them back up when I'm in the mood for a change as they will be kitted up and started and those decisions will be done with. 

As for decorating, I put away the patriotic stuff and got out my chickens... I'll show pictures next time as this post is already getting long in the tooth. 

August doesn't look too busy at the moment... as I remember 2 doctor's appointments... one for me and one for Nick as we had to find a new primary care physician... the one we saw left the practice because of health issues... I'm sad as we've seen her for years, I really like here,  and I'm concerned about her ... she's only mid 40s and the last 2 times we saw her I suspected something was wrong... she'd taken a couple of bad falls and was having trouble walking... not sure the cause but it can't be good... I keep her in my prayers... I'm hoping the heat subsides a little... no more 90's would be good. I'm dealing with some household projects... got a new ceiling fan installed in Nick's room... Dan the handyman put it up but I had to get an electrician to straighten out the wiring... picked up a new bathroom faucet and hand held shower... Dan can replace these but I need a plumber to deal with the tub drain... I finally got tired of having a sore back every morning and broke down and bought a new mattress set... should be here next Saturday... my aching back will be soooo happy!!

And yes that was probably more info on my life than you needed but as I've said before this has become a diary of my life... 

I hope things are going well in your life...  the seasons and the years race by...I've been thinking a lot about that lately... my parents both died young... my Mom was 47, my Dad 52... my only sibling died at 63... both of my grandmothers lived into their 80's... I'm hoping to emulate them... fingers crossed. So let's seize the day and do some fun stuff!!  Even though I'm buying crafty stuff like I'm immortal, I'm well aware that I'm not!!

I'll link up with Kathy's Quilts and see what other trouble I can get into...

happy stitching-
carol fun 


  1. I enjoyed your post. The halloween quilt is really cute--I love the spider web print as the glue holding all the other prints together. I was very interested in your way of celebrating turning 70. What a great idea that your friend had and that you are also planning. You will enjoy this so much.

  2. So many lovely projects! I adore your Halloween quilt! And the Sunnyside Sampler needs to be on my "to stitch" list!

  3. I love it when you post on your blog! I follow you on instagram but the blog posts are more chatty. I love to see all of your lovely needlework and quilting. I really admire your dahlias. If I ever get to retire I'm definitely having garden flowers!

  4. Your yards are the most beautiful yards I've ever seen. You definityly have a very green thumb.
    You already know how much I love everything you do i.e. quilting, knitting, x-stitching, etc.
    I swear I've become either a squirrel or humming bird - running and flying from one project to another. As long as we're having fun who cares. LOL

  5. Lots of beautiful projects! Your flowers are gorgeous. We are in the 90's still for most of the week, and then back into the 100's by Friday. Happy stitching!

  6. Boy, those orange cannas are giants. So delightful!

  7. With a BIG birthday coming up, of course you need to celebrate it in stitching style! I'm sure your family with celebrate with you too, perhaps a lovely lunch or dinner out somewhere nice and a cake as well?


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