Sunday, January 12, 2025

Some things are up, and some things are down on a Slow Sunday...

Hello - well today makes a month since I fell and fractured my knee... sigh... and I have my fingers crossed that in 2 more weeks I may be able to start physical therapy... I'd like to say things have gotten easier... I'd really like to... but the reality is this is wearing on me... and I'm working to stay positive... but some days are up, and some days are down... and some days it is hard to focus and get something accomplished.  You'd think with all this free time you'd stitch and knit and sew... but the reality is you binge watch old movies and doom scroll... and you have nothing to show for it... I'm at that stage of life where I know the hours I have left on this earth are far fewer than the ones I've already lived ... and I shouldn't fritter away what remains... but frittering is happening a lot... 

ok - on to what has been happening this last week... the weather guys got it pretty much right, darn it... we had about a foot of snow on Sunday/Monday and pretty much everything was closed down. Even the County Courthouse closed and my son worked from home on Zoom... that has never happened before. My little town has done a fabulous job on the roads.  Sitting in my chair I hear and see the salt and snow plow every time it goes by, and man did it go by lots and lots and lots and lots... other roads in the area are still waiting to be cleared... the difference in local governments is very evident.

We also got another couple of inches on Friday... but with any luck there isn't any more forecast till next Sunday... personally I'd be more than happy if it doesn't snow another flake this year... but my preferences aren't holding any sway with the weather gods.

Biggest accomplishment this week: Got ALL the Christmas stuff taken down and returned to the basement. Got rid of an entire bin of stuff I haven't put out for ages...very satisfying.

And with enormous help from Nick we put out the snowmen!!  Now since he was doing the physical work and I was directing this operation we just put everything in the same place it was last year. Thank goodness for having the blog and the pictures to refer to. Now normally I like to mix things up year to year but just having something new to look at is good for my mental health.

Here's the wall quilt... my version of the Cluck Cluck Sew pattern Suburbs I call Mummville...every house is a different Debbie Mumm fabric ... in fact every fabric in this quilt is vintage Debbie Mumm...and I love it!!

There is a Debbie Mumm snowman cookie jar to the right... and the tier tray has Prairie Schooler No. 177 January at the top and is filled with Debbie Mumm snowman ceramics and ornaments...

and all the quilts in this display are done entirely in  Debbie Mumm fabrics... I've always been a bit OCD and once I latch on to an designer I don't let go easily. For years I made quilts using only DM fabrics as my stash is HUGE and her collections all just went together perfectly. 

Here's my laundry cart filled with more Debbie Mumm quilts... 

and I have Debbie Mumm quilts for every occasion... Christmas, Halloween, Spring, 4th of July, Fall ... and lots of different styles... Stack n Whack, Charm Quilts, Bow Ties, Stars,  etc etc etc and just overall scrappy.  To me Debbie Mumm is timeless, like Prairie Schooler... yes if you look at their designs they do harken back to the 80's and the 90's but I have lots of good memories from those times and I still enjoy what I made back then.

I did get some more stitches in my Blessing Sampler for 2025...

Ninon by Jardine Prive... by my calculations I'm about half way done and the month is about half way I'm thinking on right on track  to finish this by the end of January. I'm afraid I might run out of DMC 931... may have a friend go to Michaels and pick my up another skein... and I going to do beads for the water droplets that are charted coming out of the watering can...

 I think that will be a nice personal touch. 

A friend came over this week and we looked at a bunch of my WIPs and several were talking to me... Quaker Diamonds by Rosewood Manor (started back in 2013, hangs head in shame) and this is where I left off last year...

 and Red Rhapsody another Rosewood Manor chart that I'm doing in sage-y blue-y tones. 

This one would be nice as it only uses one floss, but I still make it more complicated by selecting the "right" parts of the highly variegated Gentle Arts Something Blue floss. 

So the week ahead should be fairly quiet...I'm not going anywhere, obviously... we are having a birthday celebration for my older son on Friday... he'll be 40... how in the he-double hockey sticks did that happen??? He's picking up carryout and bringing it to my place so we can be together... just looked at the 2 weather apps on my phone... one has a high of 45 degree for the 17th... wow... almost balmy... the January when he was born was absolutely frigid... the temperature got down to -21 degrees two days after his birth. My doctor's car got frozen in the parking garage and I got to stay an extra day because it was deemed too cold to let me go home... 

So I'll link up with Kathy's Quilts today... and I'll stitch a little bit... I didn't try sewing last week because when I sit in the wheel chair and my left leg dangles as it does in the brace, it isn't long before the blood pools in my foot and that's uncomfortable and sends me back to the recliner to elevate it... PT nurse said once I start therapy they may allow me to let it sit on the floor ...not exactly weight bearing but enough pressure to stimulate some blood flow... something to look forward to... sigh

Hope your week ahead is a good one...I know it is going to get COLD here... some single digit nights projected but as long as it doesn't snow I'll deal with that...

happy stitching-

carol fun 


  1. you're being a much better human than many (me, for example) are when smacked down ... holding you in the light.

  2. I hear you on the endless scrolling and watching tv rather than stitching! Wishing you the energy to pick up those stitcheries and add a line of floss to them this week.

  3. Mumsville in the snow is delightful! Sadly, recovering from a break or fracture is a long slow process.

  4. I too am a staunch Debbie Mumm fan. I have made several quilts from her fabrics. But my most prized item of hers is a pair of snow people, nearly life size , that my son and daughter gifted me in Christmas of ~2001. Here is quote from my non-quilting blog post dated 12/13/17:
    "Circling around into the living room, the fireplace hosts a gathering of snowmen. The collection is flanked by two nearly human size Debbie Mumm snowman that Daniel brought home from San Luis Obispo when he was pursuing his architecture degree at Cal Poly. He had sweet-talked the store owners into selling part of their window display to him. I still remember him ringing the doorbell after he'd driven home for the Christmas holiday break. I opened the front door to see this cheerful couple greeting me. "Merry Christmas, Mom, from Robin and me," he grinned." This couple has faithfully journeyed down from the attic for the past twenty-four Christmases to grace our living room. They have aged well.


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