Sunday, March 23, 2025

Things are coming along on a Slow Sunday...

 Hello - how was your week? Mine was pretty good... lots of stuff going on... nothing is finished... but things are coming along... Remember when I said it looked like it would be a good week weatherwise for installing the sprinkler system?  Again... weather guys can't be trusted. It rained all weekend so on Monday they called and said the ground was just too soggy to run the trencher... this is the trencher... it was cold so I took this pic from inside... ignore the screen...LOL

So they came on Tuesday and planted a whole bunch of pretty pink flags... these mark where the water lines and sprinkler heads are going to go...

And you can see that this is still a work in progress... Wednesday they got some of the drip irrigation laid out and they were quite happy  that instead of tapping into the main water line of the house, they are going to be able to use the spigot on the side of the house... this was unexpected... I always anticipate problems whenever I have anything done with the house, nice to have a potential problem eliminated... Thursday and Friday were cold, spitting rain and super windy... they worked a little ...  but it's coming along... the daffodils are looking good... but I'm already planning to plant more this Fall... I didn't put any new ones in the ground last year and I think that is the first year I've skipped in the last ten. 

My lawn guy got super busy and let me know that he wasn't sure if he could assemble my raised beds... insert frowny face... so I decided I'd assemble them myself... however it really is easier with 2 people and Nick helped me out...  

we have this one assembled and 2 more to go... things are coming along...

As for indoor projects I didn't touch my sewing machine again this week... sigh... I did change up the quilts in my bedroom as my new mattress got delivered on Monday. I was told they would be here between 3pm and 7pm...and we waited patiently... about 5:30pm Nick and I were getting hungry... if the mattress had been delivered we'd have gone out to eat... but it hadn't ... so we ordered pizza and not 2 minutes later I got a text saying they'd be here in 10 minutes... sheesh... I'm liking it so far... and it has a 1 year exchange period... and it's looking Spring-y with my Scrappy Happy Tulip quilt ...

this was a Lori Holt pattern from a planner back in '16 or '17... I love the chunky primitive feel of these tulips!

I'll show a little decor here... I'm still tweaking the bigger displays... this is the telephone nook...

the stitched white Easter egg was a gift from a friend ...  below is the Spring String from Lizzie Kate. 

As for stitching... I got some of my Market order... Farmer's Market  ABC's from Little House Needlework, Americana White from October House Fiber Arts,  Coco's Garden  from Teresa Kogut and both of the Blackbird books, Gifts of the Season... and the ONE I WANTED THE MOST... The Sweet Birds Sing...

Now I told myself that I would finish up the Teresa Kogut piece Faith, Hope, Peace and Love, before I started anything new.. but like many things I tell myself this was not an entirely true statement... I did stitch on it a lot this week ... and this is where I left it...

it's about 75% finished... a couple little motifs in that third block and the word Peace ...  it's coming along...

However, I COULD NOT STOP myself from starting the wonderful bird piece from The Sweet Birds Sing... I first saw this piece about a year  ago on IG... it was a retreat piece and I didn't know when it would be released... and now it's here!! 

I painted a piece of 32 ct linen with Tan Rit Dye to get a mottled effect... its a little warmer IRL than what is showing in this picture... 

I got all the fancy flosses and I can't wait to get down to the birds... and I left some extra space at the bottom as I'd like to add an alphabet to this... I love the vertical orientation of this piece!

I'm also going to stitch the little pillow...

This is going to be such enjoyable stitching!

As for the outlook for this coming week to get things done... more rain today ... but there looks like a couple of days that will be conducive to outdoor work... fingers crossed... I'm not in a hurry for the system as it has been fairly wet ... and part of me expects it will be a wet summer because  that's the way things go.    I have sat out on the sunroom porch a couple of days with a space heater... nice to watch the birds and a nice spot to nap... still trying to adjust to the time change.

Plans for stitching is to work on BBD The Sweet Bird Sings... maybe get my Lori Holt Easter pieces FFO'd... not sure what else. It is Spring Break week for Elliott... they are going to a little cabin AirBnB in Indiana for a couple of days and then  a children's museum... should be nice... I watched Elliott last Friday evening while his parents went out to dinner and to the theater for Jenny's birthday... we had a great time... he really got into Lego-ing and spent like 2 hours creating little robots... I'll start watching him again on Tuesdays in April.  This is my last week of physical therapy... I need to keep up with the exercises... since I'm not sure when Anna, the personal trainer will be available I might check out a gym...  I've gotten back to walking 7000 steps a day which was my goal... my knees hurt but that's not from the fall, that's from arthritis... and I'll have to deal with that. 

Before I end this I want to share a picture of the magnificent magnolia tree in my next door neighbor's yard... Jane who lived there when I moved in and has since passed away had this planted in the corner of her yard... every year it is so PRETTY in PINK!! 

However, many years the blooms have gotten zapped with a frost that curtailed this spectacle... fingers crossed that won't happen this year... IF the weather guys are correct the temperatures should hold above freezing for at least the next ten days...

Hope Spring is settling in where you are... the weather trends look positive here in SW Ohio and I'm more than ready for it... almost moved all my winter stuff to the back of the closet but I'm glad I waited... I've still needed those turtlenecks a couple of days ...

I'll link up with Kathy's Quilts today... hope to have a quiet day... got a crockpot dinner planned and no place I have to go... 

happy stitching-

carol fun 


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