If you can't be a good example, you'll have to serve as a horrible warning. This message is brought to you by the "horrible warning". On Saturday I was at Sock Club at
Lambikins Hideaway when one person (and you know who you are) expressed concern that she had 6 socks going at the same time. Mind you this is only 3 pairs as she is knitting 2 at a time. Now I assured her that this was not a cause for worry because socks are small and that lots of sock knitters start multiple pairs. So I went home and dug through my basket of partially finished projects, each one hermetically sealed in a ziploc bag, and found the chorus line of solitary socks shown below.
I knew I had a lot of pairs started but I didn't realize exactly how many it was. I believe a bad memory can be a good thing in certain instances and this is one of them. To be honest this doesn't include ALL the pairs I have started since a couple are so butt ugly I know I'll never finish them (and I wonder why I ever started them and persevered to finish one sock). And one solitary sock is out in the car and I'm too lazy to go out and get it.
Also I thought more of them were just plain vanilla stockinette socks, when in fact more are patterned socks.
Here are some close ups -
Feather & Fan with a primarily green hand dyed yarn and
Charade with Gale's Art Crayon Box yarn. I like the colors of this yarn in the skein but knitted up I think it is looking like clown barf - sorry for that mental picture.
Carolina with yellow/white hand dyed yarn,
No Purl Monkey with Lorna's Laces in Carol Green, and I have no clue what this pattern is in Regia Crazy Color. Now there is a cryptic post it note in the bag with this sock giving me a repeat of the pattern and I assume that every other row is just plain knit. What I do remember is that the color was called Crazy Chris and since that is one of my sons' names, that is the reason I bought it. Wouldn't you buy it for that reason? Oh well, maybe you wouldn't. I like that bargello pattern the stripe makes but this sock may be a bit much even for me - and that is saying a lot since my favorite colors are brights. It may never find a mate-I apologize to you lonely little sock!
Okay, the plain vanilla socks -
From left to right, Deborah Norville Serenity yarn, Red Heart Heart & Sole (I think this is correct but there isn't any post it note in the bag), Paton Kroy Jacquards, and finally Regia Design Line "Random Stripe" by Kaffe Fasset.
It is the last sock that started this whole chain of events. This yarn had just arrived at the shop and I had to find out what it looked like knit up, so I bought the yarn and another pair of 2.75 mm 40" circular needles (my favorite size and I have a bajillion of these already residing in a comatose state in partially knitted socks). I like this yarn. Regia is easy to knit and washes and wears with no special attention. I think the sock looks like it has been knit up with odds and ends left over from other projects - kinda funky but it works. Now this is the only color(it is called Snappy) in this series that looks like this-
check these out. I think I'll do a pair in another colorway too, because you can never knit too many socks.
Well, I hope this post has made someone out there feel better about the number of solitary socks languishing in their homes and to reiterate "if you can't be a good example, you'll have to serve as a horrible warning." This "horrible warning" embraces her position in the knitting cosmos.
Happy stitching-
carol fun