Sunday, August 11, 2024

It was inevitable on a Slow Sunday...

Hello all... well it was inevitable that after the above average productive week I had previously, this week  is a bit sub-par so overall things are just average... such is life.  Nothing got finished but lots of stuff got piddled with. The week was busier than I had anticipated several lunches and dinners with friends and family,  which was quite enjoyable... no rain so plenty of watering ... and just a bit tired and unfocused... a week I bounced from project to project. 

I was definitely in a cross stitching mood this week. I've read on several blogs people were gearing up for Sampler September and some had remarked that it really should encompass more time so they were starting and working on sampler projects in August too...weeeeellllll... that's a bandwagon I can get on... so I got out several samplers I have started and put a little time in on a couple of them... as my sainted Father always said "you bounce around  like a BB in a box car"... and he was right on the money...LOL

First,  I picked up Quaker Diamonds by Rosewood Manor and gave it an evening or two of attention while watching TV... last time I showed it...

and its current form....

Those Valdani threads are so pretty and I'm pretty sure this is 28 count so it is easy on the eyes. And yes I do own an iron but I didn't bother pressing any of these to take pictures... lazy and tired... oh well.

Then I bounced over to another Rosewood Manor piece, Red Rhapsody .. and no there's nothing wrong with your computer screen, my version is not red at all... 

My tiny start before...

and how it looks now...

I love the color of this linen... Rit dye... a new color called Sage... the floss is from Gentle Arts called Something Blue... the linen is showing up blue-er than it is in real life... in real life it has a more turquoise green look. 

And after a evening of two of that I bounced again, this time to Fragments in Time 2022  by Summer House  Stitche Works....I LOVE the floss colors in this one... I'm doing the DMC conversion...


And now...

And some close ups...

The linen color is truer in the first pic... and I'm very pleased with that satin stitched tree... great dimension. 

My current plan is to stick with this one till the end of August. I think I can complete it by then. The border is half way finished ... so is the center with the alphabet... I LOVE LOVE LOVE that there is an alphabet in the middle... and 4 out of 8 blocks are done... Now I will say there is a lot of stitching in each of these 51 x 51 blocks... and each block is a separate little card. The border stitching and fill in leaves and flowers part is good work for watching TV or Youtube videos... which when I'm tired I like to spend time doing. 

As for sewing I got some more American Jane Honeybun blocks done...

I will probably move  these around a time or two more before I sew them together... and I'm not completely sure I have enough of that yellow block print for the border, but I'll figure something out. I want to make this entirely  out of my stash. I think I even have a piece that would make a funky back.  I have enough fabrics to 6 more blocks so I can pick and choose for the 4 I still need... maybe get them finished today... maybe...

My thoughts have wandered to a couple of Fall projects, but my decor is still chickens... here's the big shelf display....

Other than the Sunnyside Sampler at the top from The Drawn Thread, this is an ode to Pineberry Lane... love all these gardening and chicken feeding gals...

This one is Sister's Farm Fresh Eggs... I made her dress rosier...

This one is Mrs. Maguire's Hen House and again I brightened up her dress, and gave the hen house some satin stitched clapboards...

This one is Mrs. Maguire Bee Charmer again with a more colorful wardrobe and a satin stitched bee skep...

This one is Mrs. Maguire's Garden... same story about her dress.

And this little pillow is a snippet from Tansy, Yarrow Rue...

I LOVE the primitive style of Pineberry Lane but not all the browns... so I used a light yellow and green 32 ct linen for these to brighten things up and gave Mrs. Maguire and her friend pretty pink dresses! They deserve pretty clothes... IMHO... 

I'm liking this arrangement of chickens and plates and cross stitch on the big shelf display... the white and green look cool and calm for the hot month of August....

However, I know once September 1 rolls around it will be hard  to hold back from Fall decorating even though I'll bet the temperatures won't be Fall- ish at all... September is always warmer than I want it to be... I LOVE FALL MOST OF ALL... always have... and while it is barely mid August it kinda feels like it is Fall as I think all the school districts are back in session starting this week. Elliott starts kindergarten by going one short  session and one full session this week and then full sessions starting the week of August 19th. I'm not sure what time school starts but Elliott is out by 1:45pm... my older son drove me by the building and I think I've got it figured out where to pick him up. He's riding the bus to school, but I think he'll be picked up a couple of days a week... we'll have to see how it all shakes out. 

No big plans for the upcoming week... have a dermatology appointment that was made like 6 months ago... not my favorite exam, as being blue eyed and fair skinned and of the generation that thought baby oil and iodine was great for tanning, there's always a chance of something suspicious that needs attending to.  I also think Delinda may have the quilts I dropped off a couple of weeks ago finished. I have the Jolly Good Fat Quarter 4 Patch ready to go except for the backing... fingers crossed it comes in soon... I can always drop off the top and mail Delinda the fabric or even have it  just delivered to her house ... good idea... so proud of me...LOL...

 So I'd like to finish those 4 blocks for the AJ Honeybun quilt and I'm gonna try to buckle down with Fragments in Time 2022 ... and if my focus strays there are always plenty of other projects that I can work on... I never have a lack of projects... sometimes a lack of focus, but I never run out of projects.

 I'll link up with Kathy's Quilts and Quilting is More Fun  than Housework today...  Need to go out and water some time today and want to spend time on the porch stitching... a quiet Sunday....

Hope your week is a good one!!

happy stitching-

carol fun 


  1. Oh my! Love all your chickens and related stitchings. So cute!

  2. So much progress on your samplers. All are really wonderful! I love how you decorate each month with a new them of items and stitching. Take care busy week or not!

  3. such beautiful offense but i won't be able to look very often or else i will cave on more projects than i could ever do...LOL


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