Here's my first offering. You'll see LOTS more since at last count I have stitched over 65 pieces, the majority of the being samplers with houses on them. Again, when I started doing samplers I thought that limiting myself to those that featured houses would keep me in check (see I realize I have a problem, I'm just not very successful in handling it - LOL)
I've been cross stitching for the last 25 years. I started this obssesion at the same time I took up quilting. I was pregnant with my first child and all those maternal hormones kicked in. I wanted to have a house full of quilts and samplers and I was going to bake my own bread and have chickens in the back yard. Hey, it isn't my fault that those prenatal hormones cloud your thinking. Now there was no reason to bake my own bread since we lived in walking distance of two great bakeries and as for the chickens, our back yard was the size of a postage stamp and we lived in the heart of the city. (Darn those zoning ordinances!!) So I channeled my energies into cross stich and quilting and taking care of my bouncing baby boy (who is now 25- where did the time go???)
Oh - sorry I got distracted there - (I told you I'm ADHD) -- This sampler is the first one I did with a house. I don't remember the name of the piece but the designer was Polly Carbonari (she designed needlepoint too). I personalized the piece by making the house look similar to the one we lived in then and there was suppose to be another child in the piece and I added a dog (we had an irish setter back then). I loved how it only used one color of thread but I learned as I did it that even DMC floss can be different from dye lot to dye lot.
Happy stitching,
carol fun
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