There are 90 different colors here and a chart that gives you the DMC color equivalent. I like that. I have several wool projects in mind - some Christmas ornaments and crazy quilt from Wool Crazy and some flower blocks from Flower Festival. I love having this stash to chose from and it is such wonderful quality. I've ordered from Wool Felt Central before and their service is top notch.
And then there was the yarn order. Now I had a gift certificate from Simply Sock Yarn in Fort Wayne, Indiana for part of this (thanks Stephie and Cathy) and by the time I decided what I wanted to purchase with the gift certificate I was over the amount of the gift but not quite to the level for free shipping. Hmmm.... pay the shipping or order one more skein and get free shipping - sheesh that's a no brainer!

The first yarn I put in my cart was this little quartet of yarns by The Unique Sheep. It will make a pair of socks where the colors gradate. This is the Glee group (dontcha just love Glee? I can't get enough of that show--oooops sorry I veered off there, didn't I?)

And then there is this yummy skein from Pagewood Farms. It is the Prism colorway of Denali. I think it is going to be a shawl. Several of my friends are planning a KAL and I want to do it too.

And there are these 3 soft soft balls of Mini Mochi from Crystal Palace yarns. I have an additional ball of another colorway in my stash and I'm going to make a couple more of the Baktus scarves with these. See this great Baktus from Fibermania's blog. I love how if you alternate 2 colorways you get a wonderful stripy pattern.
I haven't heard back from Wyndam Needleworks about my Exampler Dame graphs. Hmmmm... I think I need to shoot off an email about those, cause you know I can't wait to start stitching them. Don't even mention all the other projects I already have going. You know how much fun it is to start a new project! LOL!
Well I'm not going to have a ton of time this weekend to play. I have a wedding to go to on Saturday and a birthday celebration on Sunday. And today the Ohio Bar Exam results were posted and my dearest older son passed the Bar!!!! I am so proud of him. Lots of good events to celebrate this weekend!
Happy stitching!
carol fun
Lovely - I think I get as much enjoyment out of the "basics" - the fabric and fibers - as I do the actual sewing, knitting, or stitching!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to your son! That is quite an accomplishment. I LOVE that wool bundle, such pretty colors.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Chris that is wonderful news!!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy knitting with all that gorgeous wool.
Congratulations to your son!