Well I know it is Sunday and I usually show a sampler but I don't have a Halloween cross stitch piece. Maybe next year. I do have a great Birds of A Feather Halloween chart that I've been aging. It may reach its maturity in the next 12 months.
However I do have some Halloweenie stuff to share. First is this sweet green thing....

She's so ugly that she's cute! A kinda young Elphaba - like from Wicked. (OMG - I just realized that my friend Stephie would probably love this little doll. She's big into Wicked. I think she may have a new home soon.) Anyway sorry for the divergent thought but you knew I'm that way - LOL. I made her a couple of years ago when I was on a big kick to make primitive dolls. She is from a pattern by Raggedy Old Annie's. The pattern was titled the "Sweet Uglee Sisters" and showed two primitive dolls. Somehow my convoluted brain came up with the idea to make her green and give her crinkly purple hair. I loved making these dolls and did quite a few. As I was searching for little Elphaba I found a basket full of doll body parts - yikes! Arms and legs and half finished heads - oh what a gruesome sight. I want to put some more of these little gals together. Most of what I have started are in more normal body colors and I saw on some one's blog (why didn't I bookmark that?) about a project that is making dolls for women's shelters. I'd like to participate in that.
And I have a Halloween quilt! This is a stack-n-whack made entirely with Debbie Mumm Halloween fabric.

I still love stack-n-whack and the blocks with the 60 degree triangles are my favorites because each block has 3 different possible arrangements. My favorite blocks on this quilt have Frankenstein on them - kinda looks like they're doing ring around the rosie, doesn't it?

And this one is cool too. Makes me want to sew up some more stack-n-whack and I do remember seeing several giant plastic bags filled with half finished stack-n-whack blocks under my cutting table. So many things I want to do.

Hope you have a great Halloween night. I didn't get my candy till this morning since I knew I'd eat it all up beforehand - not good. And did you hear the news reports about which candies are the worse for you? I don't want to know this. Don't spoil it for me. I know candy has calories, too many calories but I don't want to hear about it right now - maybe never. LOL!
Happy stitching-
carol fun
Oh my, love your Elpheba doll...Can't see the others once you put them together. lol Happy Halloween!
ReplyDeleteI love your little doll , and the Halloween quilt id lovely too . Can I come and play in your stash please? It sounds fab.
ReplyDeleteLOL - just love your doll Carol and the Halloween quilt is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteHappy Halloween!
Your Halloween quilts are so fun and just gorgeous to look at. Your doll is sweet too. Happy Halloween!
ReplyDeleteHappy Halloween Carol. I love it all - the doll is so cute and the stack and whack quilt is awesome.
ReplyDeleteThat is the cutest ugly doll I've ever seen! LOL Love the quilt too! :0)
ReplyDeleteNo, I didn't hear the news about candy that is the worst for you, but probably what I've been eating all day along with the brownies. Your wicked dolly is adorable!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe little doll is adorable!
ReplyDeleteAnd wow, do I like your quilt! The patterns is really something to try one day.
Lovely visiting your blog!
Between the doll and the quilt I'm in awe! Love them both. I'm sure your Halloween sampler will be ready by next year.
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the few halloween quilt I've seen that I actually like. The stack and whack is a great idea.
ReplyDeleteElphaba is adorable and I'd be honored to give her a good home next to all my "OZ"/"WICKED" collectibles! Can't wait to see that play again!
ReplyDeleteI'm catching up on your blog since I had so much "wedding stuff" going on the last two weeks!
Gals, the day Carol saw the ribbon on her quilt was priceless! She makes the most awesome quilts, her eye for color/combinations is exceptional! I haven't seen one yet I didn't like and believe me, she has plenty (all most as many as she has stash!) And yes, you would be so envious of her stash but the fantastic thing is she is always willing to share!